gridripper::metric Namespace Reference

Classes for spherically symmetric metric. More...


struct  MetricValues
 Structure to store evaluated metric and Killing values. More...
class  MetricParam
 Structure to store metric parameters. More...
class  Metric
 Class to store metric (time coordinate: tau, space coordinate: rho, theta,phi: polar azimuths). More...
class  MInert
 Minkowski metric with inertial time and compactified space. More...
class  MHyper
 Minkowski metric with hyperbolic time and compactified space. More...
class  Sch
 Schwarzschild metric with Istvan Racz's coordinates. More...


MetriccreateMetric (const std::string &name, const MetricParam &params)
 Create a metric.

Detailed Description

Classes for spherically symmetric metric.

Function Documentation

Metric* gridripper::metric::createMetric ( const std::string &  name,
const MetricParam &  params 

Create a metric.

The name "MInert" will index Minkowski metric in $\tau:=t$ (inertial time), $\rho:=\frac{\sqrt{\kappa^2 r^2+1}-1}{\kappa r}$ (compactified radius) coordinates, where $t$ is an inertial time, and $r$ is an inertial radius, and $\kappa$ is a compactification parameter.

The name "MHyper" will index Minkowski metric in $\tau:=\kappa t-\sqrt{\kappa^2 r^2+1}$ (hyperbolic time), $\rho:=\frac{\sqrt{\kappa^2 r^2+1)-1}}{\kappa r}$ (compactified radius) coordinates, where $t$ is an inertial time, and $r$ is an inertial radius, and $\kappa$ is a compactification parameter.

The name "Sch" will index Schwarzschild metric in $\tau:=\frac{1}{\sqrt{X^2+1}-T}$, $\rho:=\frac{\sqrt{\kappa^2 X^2+1}-1}{\kappa X}$ coordinates, where $T$ and $X$ are the Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates, and $\kappa$ is a compactification parameter. $M$ is Schwarschild mass.

0.5, 01/31/2007
GridRipper 0.5
Andras Laszlo
name : string
parameters : MetricParam

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