PhD thesis summary
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Theoretical study on the formation of high energy density states in heavy ion collisions

Péter Csizmadia

In my PhD work I studied equilibrium and non-equilibrium descriptions of high energy heavy ion collisions.

  1. We have found a new analytic solution to the hydrodynamic equations of fireball expansion. I calculated the scale factor and the entropy [1].

  2. I developed a non-equilibrium model of the hadronization of quark matter created in heavy ion collisions (MICOR). I compared its predictions to other models [2]. By extracting the model parameters from the momentum spectra of the $\phi$ and $\Omega$ particles, I got a prediction to the $\rho$ meson that matches the experimental results [3]. When I applied the model for the description of charm meson creation ($D$ and $J/\psi$), it turned out that the initial state cannot be described with one collective flow, the heavier charm quarks "lag behind" light and strange quarks, their transverse flow velocity remains smaller [4].

  3. I developed a particle cascade program to solve the Boltzmann equation of the secondary interactions between hadrons [5,6,7]. It became more general than the problems I studied, it is able to simulate any transport model, it can be used as a parton cascade, moreover it supports the subdivision method for the correction of Lorentz invariance violation. With the GROMIT program I solved the following problems:

    I performed these studies as a member of the RHIC Transport Theory Collaboration (RTTC). Our aim is to develop transport models describing high energy heavy ion collisions, using our universal code.


    P. Csizmadia, T. Csörgõ, B. Lukács: New analytic solutions of the non-relativistic hydrodynamical equations, Phys. Lett. B443 (1998) 21-25

    P. Csizmadia, P. Lévai, S. E. Vance, T. S. Biró, M. Gyulassy, J. Zimányi: Strange hyperon and antihyperon production from quark and string-rope matter, J. Phys. G25 (1999) 321-330

    P. Csizmadia, P. Lévai: $\phi$, $\Omega$ and $\rho$ production from deconfined matter in relativistic heavy ion collisions at CERN SPS, Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) 031903

    P. Lévai, T. S. Biró, P. Csizmadia, T. Csörgõ, J. Zimányi: The production of charm mesons from quark matter at CERN SPS and RHIC, J. Phys. G27 (2001) 703-706

    P. Csizmadia and P. Lévai, The MICOR hadronization model with final state interactions, J. Phys. G28 (2002) 1997-2000

    S. Cheng, S. Pratt, P. Csizmadia, Y. Nara, D. Molnár, M. Gyulassy, S. E. Vance, B. Zhang: The effect of finite-range interactions in classical transport theory, Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) 024901

    Y. Nara, S. E. Vance, P. Csizmadia, A study of parton energy loss in Au+Au collisions at RHIC using transport theory, Phys. Lett. B531 (2002) 209-215