Theoretical study on the formation of high energy density states in
heavy ion collisions
Péter Csizmadia
In my PhD work I studied equilibrium and non-equilibrium descriptions of high
energy heavy ion collisions.
- We have found a new analytic solution to the hydrodynamic equations
of fireball expansion. I calculated the scale factor and the entropy
- I developed a non-equilibrium model of the hadronization of quark matter
created in heavy ion collisions (MICOR). I compared its predictions to other
models [2]. By extracting the
model parameters from the momentum spectra of the
particles, I got a prediction to the
meson that matches the
experimental results [3]. When I applied
the model for the description of charm meson creation (
), it
turned out that the initial state cannot be described with one collective
flow, the heavier charm quarks "lag behind" light and strange
quarks, their transverse flow velocity remains smaller
- I developed a particle cascade program to solve the Boltzmann equation
of the secondary interactions between hadrons [5,6,7]. It became more general than the
problems I studied, it is able to simulate any transport model, it can be used
as a parton cascade, moreover it supports the subdivision method for the
correction of Lorentz invariance violation. With the GROMIT program I solved
the following problems:
I performed these studies as a member of the RHIC Transport Theory
Collaboration (RTTC). Our aim is to develop transport models describing high
energy heavy ion collisions, using our universal code.
- 1
- P. Csizmadia, T. Csörgõ, B. Lukács: New analytic
solutions of the non-relativistic hydrodynamical equations, Phys. Lett.
B443 (1998) 21-25
- 2
- P.
Csizmadia, P. Lévai, S. E. Vance, T. S. Biró, M. Gyulassy, J.
Zimányi: Strange hyperon and antihyperon production from quark and
string-rope matter, J. Phys. G25 (1999) 321-330
- 3
- P. Csizmadia, P. Lévai:
production from deconfined matter in relativistic
heavy ion collisions at CERN SPS, Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) 031903
- 4
- P. Lévai, T. S.
Biró, P. Csizmadia, T. Csörgõ, J. Zimányi: The
production of charm mesons from quark matter at CERN SPS and RHIC, J. Phys.
G27 (2001) 703-706
- 5
P. Csizmadia and P. Lévai, The MICOR hadronization model with final
state interactions, J. Phys. G28 (2002) 1997-2000
- 6
- S.
Cheng, S. Pratt, P. Csizmadia, Y. Nara, D. Molnár, M. Gyulassy, S. E.
Vance, B. Zhang: The effect of finite-range interactions in classical
transport theory, Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) 024901
- 7
- Y. Nara, S. E. Vance, P.
Csizmadia, A study of parton energy loss in Au+Au collisions at RHIC
using transport theory, Phys. Lett. B531 (2002) 209-215